On foot, on the edge of sister water
Extract from “Il Piccolo” of 20 October 2017 download the article of the small 2 small stage
Extract from “Il Piccolo” of 20 October 2017 download the article of the small 2 small stage
“Immersed in the first fog of the season we face the path of Mercy starting from the Abbey of Pomposa.” Extract from “Il Piccolo” of 29 September 2017. Click on the image to read the whole article.
We report some photos of the first stage made by some pilgrims on September 2, 2017. They left the Abbey of pompous to get close to Porto Garibaldi.
These poems were read at the 18 May meeting in Alfonsine. Written by Maria Babini, she went to the Father’s house in April 2017. She often said that her little feet had never worn shoes, but how much “they had walked”! Last year, reflecting on the “labor of humanity”, he invoked the Mercy: “COME […]
On 18 May the itinerary was also presented to Alfonsine, with the changes made in 2017. From now on the route will start from the Pomposa Abbey. Following the article of the small of June 2017 a particular thanks to the scouts who contributed to the signage of the route
articolo pubblicato sul Resto del Carlino del 7 Luglio 2016
“In occasione del Giubileo straordinario della Misericordia, il Piccolo segnala la Viae Misericordiae. Ad Iesumper Mariam”: un’occasione per vivere un’esperienza di fede attraverso un cammino che si snoda fra le ricchezze artistiche, naturalistiche ed enogastronomiche dell’Appennino faentino. L’itinerario propone un percorso spirituale che colpisce il cuore, facendo riscoprire il valore di un turismo nel segno della preghiera. L’iniziativa si presenta come simbolo concreto del cammino di conversione verso l’abbraccio misericordioso di […]
Durante i martedì d’estate in centro a Faenza in corso Matteotti 10, dalle ore 20.45 alle ore 23.00 sarà presentto il cammino della Misericordia. Interverranno Marcello Molignoni e Gian Domenico Sacchini.